Website of Tobias Westmeier

Range of Gastrodia lacista
Range of Gastrodia lacista.

Potato Orchid
Gastrodia lacista D.L.Jones 1991


The Potato Orchid, also known as the Bell Orchid, is one of several species of Gastrodia that occur across Australia. It is endemic to south-western Australia where it can be found in high-rainfall forests and woodlands between Bunbury and Albany. As the Potato Orchid is the only Gastrodia species in WA, it cannot be confused with any other species.

Potato Orchids are unusual in that they lack leaves or chlorophyll. Instead, the plants receive their nutrients and energy directly from fungi living in the soil. The flower stalks are entirely brown and carry up to several dozen tiny white flowers. The main flowering period is late spring and early summer. Potato Orchids often form large groups or colonies, but are easily overlooked as a result of their inconspicuous flowers and dull colouration.


Gastrodia lacista
The leafless flower stem is entirely brown and carries several small flowers. (Warren NP, WA, 23 / 12 / 2012)
Gastrodia lacista
Close-up view of the tiny white flowers. (Warren NP, WA, 23 / 12 / 2012)
Gastrodia lacista
By early January most specimens will have finished flowering and produced seed capsules. (Gloucester NP, WA, 03 / 01 / 2018)
Gastrodia lacista
Two Potato Orchids in their typical forest habitat. (Gloucester NP, WA, 03 / 01 / 2018)
