Website of Tobias Westmeier

Wandoo Beard Orchid
Calochilus stramenicola D.L.Jones 2006


The Wandoo Beard Orchid is restricted to a small area of the western Wheatbelt region of WA from near Toodyay in the north to near Narrogin in the south. Flowering from early to mid spring, it is a characteristic species of dry Wandoo woodland where the orchids grow in deep leaf and bark litter, often in association with species such as the Wandoo Sun Orchid (Thelymitra latiloba) or the Frog Greenhood (Pterostylis sargentii) that thrive in similar conditions. As with all Beard Orchids, the flowers will open one at a time and usually remain open for only a day or two.

While very similar in appearance to the Purple Beard Orchid (Calochilus robertsonii) of south-eastern Australia, its different habitat and significant geographic isolation would appear to justify its classification as a separate species. Two very similar species, the Swamp Beard Orchid (Calochilus uliginosus) and the yet to be formally named Boyup Brook Beard Orchid (Calochilus sp. ‘Boyup Brook’), are currently known to occur in south-western WA. However, its narrow geographic range and characteristic Wandoo woodland habitat uniquely identify the Wandoo Beard Orchid.


Calochilus stramenicola
Half-open flower showing the characteristic, bearded labellum. (Dryandra Woodland, WA, 14 / 09 / 2019)
Calochilus stramenicola
The flowers open one at a time. (Dryandra Woodland, WA, 14 / 09 / 2019)
Calochilus stramenicola
View of the full plant growing in a deep layer of leaf and bark litter. (Dryandra Woodland, WA, 14 / 09 / 2019)
Calochilus stramenicola
The characteristic dry Wandoo woodland habitat. (Dryandra Woodland, WA, 14 / 09 / 2019)
