Blotched Dusky Blue (Candalides acasta)
Appearance: Rather small. Male upperside grey-brown with iridescent purple suffusion; female upperside similar, but extent of purple suffusion varies. Underside grey with numerous indistinct dark spots and diffuse dark patch near the outer edge of the hind wing.
Wingspan: 2.2 cm
Season: 1 or 2 generations from spring until autumn; in western WA all year round.
Range: Temperate regions of south-eastern and south-western Australia including TAS.
Habitat: Heathland in sandy areas; also woodland with heath understorey; from the coast to semi-arid inland areas.
Photo: Little Desert NP, VIC, 28 / 12 / 2009.
The Blotched Dusky Blue looks somewhat similar to the Varied Dusky Blue (Candalides hyacinthina). However, the Blotched Dusky Blue is smaller, has the underside dark spots less distinct, and exhibits a diffuse dark patch near the outer edge of the hind wing underside.
The Blotched Dusky Blue can be found on heathland in sandy areas throughout the temperate regions of Australia, including south-western WA, south-eastern SA, VIC, the ACT, eastern NSW, south-eastern QLD, and TAS. Males are very territorial and often settle on exposed twigs and leaves in the low vegetation to watch over their territory and chase after any intruder.