Long-tailed Pea Blue (Lampides boeticus)
Appearance: Upperside mainly blue; underside light brown with white lines and broad, white subterminal band. Hind wing with two black subtornal eyespots and fine, long tail.
Wingspan: 2.5–3.0 cm
Season: Several generations all around the year.
Range: Widespread throughout QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC, and SA; less widespread in NT, WA, and TAS.
Habitat: Different habitats, including suburban gardens.
The Long-tailed Pea Blue is one of the most widespread butterflies of Australia (and in fact the entire world) and can be easily identified by the broad, white subterminal band on the underside of the hind wing. The species is known to be migratory and can appear in areas where it does not normally breed. Apart from Australia, the Long-tailed Pea Blue also occurs in southern Europe, northern and central Africa, southern Asia and across the Pacific (including New Zealand and Hawaiʻi).